Saturday, November 5, 2011

Summer-Fall Fun

The beginning of our trip up Moran-- the approach by canoe. The route we hiked up is in green and the would-have-been summit day is in red. 

Leigh Lake where we canoed (around the tip of that peninsula) to the base of Mt. Moran.

The beautiful evening-lit Grand Teton from the view of our base camp on Mt. Moran. Two days later we were just 300 feet from the top of that thing!

Coming down off of Mt. Moran 

Hiking up to the Grand Teton base camp. 

The view from our new little home on the Grand. Amazing! 

Ooops. We got off-route and got in to a little bit of mixed climbing on rock/ice/snow! 

Here at 13,400 feet on the Grand Teton, we turned sadly (but smartly) turned around. At least we were higher than anything else around!

Beautiful Cape Hatteras lighthouse on the outer banks of North Carolina.

Bodie Island lighthouse in the late-afternoon light. What you can't see in this picture are all the mosquitoes eating me alive!

Ice cream birthday cake at Dairy Queen! 

Marlin makes sure the fire doesn't get too hot on this side of the house. 

Fun shot of a great fireman

Reminds me of the movie Fireproof! 

Climbing up behind Marlin to the top of a nice hand crack. 

Marlin made it to the top of the route (no big surprise there)! 

Girls' Day climbing with my bestie, Cristy!

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