Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 2011 Update

 Marlin chops into the roof of a house at the scene of a fire.

 Homemade ice cream cake for a bridal shower

 Inside the ice cream cake.

Marlin captures the Smoky Mountains as seen from the highest point in TN--Clingman's Dome. 

The top of Virginia, Mount Rogers. 

Marlin and I took Russell and Birgitta's engagement pictures.

Marlin got to see the tornado's wreckage from the air. What a disaster!

This used to be a beautiful country road with thick forest and houses on both sides.

Marlin and I ride in his volunteer station's fire truck as we go out to eat breakfast with the crew.

Emily comes to visit. We all made it to the top of our climb!

Right before we jumped in the water on our hot hike! 

Our first anniversary. (The year-old cake topper was decadently delectable by the way!)

Brody and me being silly. 

My twin nephews, Koen and Brody, loved the tractor ride I gave them. 

The top of Mt. Mitchell at about 4000 ft. The view of Mt. St. Helens was beautiful. 
Too bad our camera got left up at the top of this little mountain.